Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thanks bosssss

Thanks for the ice cream : )
Cheesecake flavored.


I was looking in Jessica's senior yearbook and I found Brock. Isn't he such a cutie?? Awww! He was a junior in this picture...and he still looks like this...just beefy-er. Haha he has definitely grown up that is for sure. ♥

Sunday, March 27, 2011


What if? Yeah. Out the door. Along with a couple other feelings this week.

It has been a hard week and I don't even know why. And I don't know why I care.

I feel like throwing up all of my thoughts and conversations with my mind about "what if".

"WHAT IF" is not worth my time. Or my feelings. I am fine just the way I am. No more dreaming about THAT anymore.

All I know is, I get to see Brock this weekend and I CAN'T WAIT.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Oh How I Love You...


First Pedicure Ever = Success

Before we went to get our pedicures we went to eat some lunch. Apparently going to Brio's is supposed to involve getting a door kicked open, taking a chunk out of your new shoes and almost smashing in your face....and eating Paradise soup instead of Brio...AT Brio. IN Brio bowls.

As we were walking to get our pedicures, I saw this sign...Pizza Pretzels? Whaaa?

Sitting in our massage chairs!!!

How cute!! My first pedicure was a success. Even though my Asian lady was too speedy for my liking..I wa mo massage!!!!

Nee Nee

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jess Roussel Photography!!

Check out Jessica Roussel's new website!
She does such a great job with her photography and it's a fun and playful environment with her 24-7.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Walgreens Walgreens...

So I had to go to Walgreens this morning to get some prescriptions and I ended up spending about an hour in there talking to Tiffani and walking around looking at all their stuff. And that is really all it is. STUFF. But it's fun to go in and look even if you can't buy. I had to get some pedialyte as well to get my electrolytes up. I need a waterbottle that will keep my water cold this summer, and I also need a fan to go in my you can see I got distracted and got cute fingernail polish....

And I was at Walmart this morning at 5...and I decided to get an Ipod Shuffle. Because I cant connect my old Ipod to my NEW computer...It's so dumb. So I just got this small one for $40.00. It's nice because it has a clip on it, and no screen that can get scratched. It's only a 2 GB but that is ok with me. Nice for workouts and road trips!

Look how cute it is!!

And this was on sale! it hooks into my computer, my ipod and it can hook into phones as well! This was a nice buy because Brock and I are always watching movies on my lap top and we can't hear anything so we have to use headphones. GAY! But now...we can hear it! WHOOP WHOOP!

My water bottle has a straw : ) hehehe and it has kept my water cold for 2 hours now!

My fan!! Super steal! It has a super powerful "low" setting so i'm sure I will be JUST fine this summer. I will be literally blown away.

Just a little freak out...

Ok... STUPID greyhound.

All I want is to see my boyfriend. Is this so freaking hard? No. Its not. Just do it. I cannot express my hatred to you right now. I finally got a good weekend off so that I can see him and you completely ruin it. I will murder you in your sleep. Don't tempt me.
I'm not afraid of you. But you should be afraid of me. I have only asked you for this one thing for the last month and yet you still screw me over.
Thanks so much. Dirtbag.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On

Go ahead put your hair down!

Macy Gray - I Try

Games, changes and fears
When will they go from here
When will they stop
I believe that fate has brought us here
And we should be together, babe
But we're not
I play it off, but I'm dreaming of you
I'll keep my cool, but I'm feigning

I try to say goodbye and I choke
Try to walk away and I stumble
Though I try to hide it, it's clear
My world crumbles when you are not here
Goodbye and I choke
I try to walk away and I stumble
Though I try to hide it, it's clear
My world crumbles when you are not here

What If?

Sometimes I think about what could have been. I think about things that I have gone through and I wonder...why did this have to happen this way? What if it would have gone this way? What if that day....would have been the best day of my life?

I have been thinking lately about what I want..who I want to be...where I want to be. And I'm getting there. But there is one thing that has been bothering me the last two weeks. And there is no way to understand it, or fix it. I just feel this huge elephant in my stomach. and its blowing water up into my head and making me feel...confused. I feel like puking my guts out. It's like this nervous feeling that won't go away. I have NO decision to make. I know that what I have is best for me and I am sticking to that....but....what if? What if I tried something different? I would lose something I love...and...then what? I'd be alone with these feelings of "what if" again...but still. What if?

New Design Dilemma

So something crazy happened and my cute cupcake background got deleted. I found it again but was wanting something different. So I googled around and found a place where I can design my own background and it tells me exactly HOW to do it!! I got so addicted. I have about 7 new backgrounds that I made and I can choose from! I had one background on but I wasn't so sure about it so I decided to make more today. And I found one that looks just like my personality! I love it! I can't believe how my blog has transformed now that I have put more of my personality into it. I enjoy going to my blog and reading my own posts because it's such a happy environment for me! I could just listen to my music and look at my pictures all day!! Too bad that is wasting time right? I really hope that you all enjoy the new design! Keep checking back with me every day! There are new posts every day for the most part. And this summer is going to be getting really crazy intense since Brock will be home and I will hopefully be working 2 jobs and possibly going to school part time!

If you want to check out the link and create your OWN HAPPY PLACE, go to this link : )
and just click on tutorials! It's so fun and easy! A great lazy day project.

Nee Nee

Monday, March 21, 2011


I wore this hat today for only the 2nd time since I got it. It worked pretty well I think. Yay? Nay?

The Happy Top Shop

These hats are so adorable! I WANT ONE!! Too bad I probably wont ever need it here in AZ...
Check them out!

This is my best friend

Looking today on Facebook I saw some pictures of Rea and Tucker. I started tearing up. I miss them so so much. They really were the best part of Idaho. Being able to see them all the time was the best. Now that I don't get to see them at ALL it is really hard for me. I miss their hugs and kisses and quiet giggles. Every time I think of the movie Despicable Me, the thought of Reawynn saying "You know that funny movie? Where he says oh poop!?" "OH POOP!" makes me smile every time. She loves me unconditionally even when I wont give her my gum or my chapstick....She's my best friend.

I miss her so much.

Nee Nee ♥

Jason Reeves - Helium Hearts (Official Video)

I so want to do this!! How fun would that be? To just blow up a bunch of balloons and hand them out to people on the street. How many people would we make smile? Just so simple as to give away a simple balloon. It would make someone's day so much better. Hmm...I think this is going to be on a list of things to do...

Just some of my favorite things lately

I love my converse shoes. Especially because they're dirty and worn down!

The new flavor of Starbursts! SOOOOO Good! Go Fiesta!

PB&J Helllllllllz yeah!

Jessica Roussell...I ♥ you!

Cookie Dough. Its my snack. Every day! MMMMMMM!

Dr. Pepper....You always make me feel better. even on my worst days. Thanks for always being there...

QT!! Where I get my Dr. Pepper! : )

My new shower head! Skyler installed it this week. And it's so great! Just like a waterfall : )

Last but not least...My family. Even though I don't get to see you every day like I used to it's nice to get random texts that say "Hey sister sue, thinking about you today! Love you!" I love you all so much and I miss you tons.

Nee Nee

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Room change

After cleaning my room today, I decided that I wasn't happy with my setup of
books/perfumes/jewelery etc. so...I tore my room apart even more.

I kind of gave up halfway through...and just sat in the closet for a little bit....Silently hoping Jessica would walk in so I could scare her.

I was planning the month of April so that I didn't have to erase things and start all over in a week..and this is what it looks like so far
(Brock will be done with his last final on the 19th! Yay!)

I'm adding golfing with Brock & his parents for the 23rd of April now too...yikes i'm scared!

Nee Nee

Is this fun for me? No....Not really.

When I get in my scratching fits...I can't stop. Its like it spreads from one small scratch to a huge epidemic. GAH! So...Is this fun for me?No...Not really.

Good thing this time was just my legs. At work today I ran into the towel folding table and scratched my stomach...yeah. About an hour of itching on my stomach. Thanks stupid table for being in my way for the 80th time this week. I love you too. NOT!

Nee Nee

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I'm not the only one with dermographism people!!! check it out!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Skype is not enough for 6 more weeks...

So....only 2 more weeks until I get to kiss his adorable face!
Man I miss him!!

Tragedy Strikes Again!

"Is that a sunburn!?" You ask.
NO! It's not. It's what I get for having stupid dermographism.
I was so itchy (only on the top of my feet this time) and so I started itching. The skin on my feet not only poked up and out like a welt, but my skin also just peeled off like I had scraped them on a sharp shelf I walked past. Skin was literally peeling off as I was itching. This has only happened on my feet. Not anywhere else on my body.

So I took these pictures to show you what happened.

Yeah. It burned so freaking bad. I had to put a wash cloth on my feet so I could sleep. They still hurt so so bad. I took a shower this afternoon and it felt like a sunburn. So gay. Lets hope it doesn't get worse. Like all over my body. Yikes that would hurt.

Wish me luck eh?

Nee Nee


♥ ♥
Maybe I've been waiting for you
To show me there's a dreamer like you,
That's waiting too, that's not afraid to lose.

And maybe I've been holding on to,
All the little wrecks I've gone through,
I'm learning at last, I fall to fast.

But I, I don't wanna parachute into love,
No I wanna SKYDIVE
And fall until we fly, live until we die together,
If heaven is my home, you could only make it better,

Don't wanna wait another day,
No I want you now forever,
Don't wanna parachute into love.
♥ ♥

Brock....My one and only.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Skype do YOU Skype?

I have been able to SKYPE the last few days with Brock! It has been so great to see his smiling face everyday. Skyler fixed my web cam! So now you all can see me! YAY!!!! My skype name is sydney.smith12 dont ask me why the number 12 because i dont know. haha text me and let me know when you are online so we can become friends. : )

I'm kind of a creeper and I can take snapshots of Brock while we talk. Its so great to see him smile normally without pretending for a picture. The quality isn't perfect..but he's real. And I love it. And I love him.

I have about 5 more weeks until he is back in Arizona for good. GAH! It seems SO far away. I can't wait for him to be back. Then we can really start to be together. *sigh* I can just see it now....
Nee Nee

Katy Perry: PROPS!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Loves of the day

First on the list:
Dear Chipotle, I LOVE YOUR HUGE BURRITOS!!!!!!!!!!!

Second on the list:
Dear Truck in front of me today, I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BUMPER STICKER!!!

Love, Sydney


It's pretty much summertime here in Arizona! It was in the 90's this week and next week will be as well! It's 10:00 here right now and it's 70 degrees outside. MY HEAVEN!! The other day I had to edit a research paper of Brock's and I decided that going outside to do it was a good idea since it was so nice. So I put on my shorts and tank top and headed out! It was so nice! I got a little tan going on too! Whoop Whoop!!! I can't help but love it here.
The sun really does make you happy : )

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Tiffy and I had a good talk while she was here and I'm so glad we did. It was nice to have my best friend back for a few days. We went to the mall after I picked her up from the airport and we went into Claire's and found BFF rings, and bracelets and necklaces. And let me tell you what! Those are freaking adorable! We decided to get rings, since that is what we would wear the most.

To me, this ring isn't just something to show off how cool we really are (hahaha). It means more than that. It's trust, it's love. Never-Ending friendship. So I would like to take an official BLOG OATH.

Tiffani Jo:

I promise to always tell you the truth, and be there for you through thick and thin. I promise to be your Maid of Honor for your wedding, and save that post for you in my wedding as well. I promise to be your best friend and best cousin forever and ever. I promise that no "double-zero long" will come between us ever. Boy or girl. Dog or Cat. Zebra or Parakeet. We will be the best cousins that anyone ever had. I promise to always be myself. I promise to cry with you. I promise to laugh with you...and at you. Good or bad, tall or small, we will overcome ANY obstacle. Together. I promise to wear this ring always to remind me of you and how FREAKING cool you are. I love you from the bottom of my heart. You are my very best friend. Forever.

Sydney Lyn Smith
Wednesday March 9, 2011

Laugh it out!

Tiffani and I were looking at "texts from last night" .com and also some other funny websites like that last night and we came across these super great pictures. Thought you'd all enjoy them!

Still hungry? Yeah...I didn't think so...

But I really had to go officer! It really would have been a mess in my undies if you know what I mean!

And you did this HOW????

I had the best workout today. My neck was so sore from looking up at the
TV screen in front of the treadmill...

What the!? That horse isn't even real!

poor poor obese man...

First thought..."lazy much?"
Second thought..."why didn't i think of that!?"

"Potty Putter"...Merry Christmas dad!!

It was so important I couldn't wait till I got home to post it! Ok now..Where's the facebook box??