Blog Archive

Monday, February 28, 2011

Next winter...

After going snowboarding with Josh, Bri, and Brock, I was thinking about how much fun it really was and how it could be such a fun hobby. It was a relaxing thing for us to do because we had no deadlines and nothing else to do that day.

Brock and I have been looking online for sets of what we want our snowboard gear to be. This is what I want! And we're saving up our money so we can go next winter : )

And yes...her face IS supposed to be cut off. hahahaha

I absolutely LOVE this snowboard. I have even looked at others and I only want this board. So hopefully it doesn't go away throughout the summer. I might just cry.

These are brock's : ) ...Or so he thinks so far.

I told him that he should get black bindings AND black boots because the bindings that are shown here are SO out there that it will take away from the coolness of his board. And you may think that this "RASTA" look is because of the stupid marijuana movement, but these colors are actually the country Ghana. And Brock was on his mission when Ghana played the U.S.A for the Soccer World Cup. He was cheering on Ghana and Ghana WON! So Brock, and Josh (Brock's younger brother) love the Ghana colors for that reason. They actually are pretty cool if you think about it with the mindset that its Ghana and not for drugs haha. So no. Brock and Josh are NOT druggies. THANK GOODNESS!! : ) The diamond studs for Brock's board is a stomp pad to get the snow off his boots and to help him get off the lift...Just in case you were wondering. Ha. I haven't picked mine out yet!

Nee Nee

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dear Christiane Fultz, I LOVE YOU!

Christiane and I had a GREAT time shopping today. At first we were just walking around stores looking. We ended up in Dillard's looking at prom dresses. So...WE TRIED THEM ON! Such a fun bonding activity for us! We are the same size too so that made it a lot easier on us : )

Is this the cutest girl I know? Yes!!!!!!!! Christiane Fultz everyone!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011



Who's got a job?

Sydney does!

Chicka, Chicka, WHAT!?

Who's got a job??

SYDNEY DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Literally. : )
Nee Nee

ATTN: Natalie Hill

Lookie Lookie!!

This is the........


It's the Chinese New Year...Year of the Rabbit.

And the Bellagio was all decked out for the holiday. Actually, all of Vegas was pretty much. It was pretty cool to walk in there and see all of the Chinese artifacts EVERYWHERE.

This is what you see when you walk in the lobby : )

When you walk farther in there is a room FULL of chinese statues and rabbits and a ship, and just crazy stuff. So fun!

PS...All of those flowers....WERE REAL!!

So there you go Nat! There is the Bellagio!

We went into the other one that you wanted us to go in last time, but it was pretty gay. Sorry. Just another big casino.

And actually, the Bellagio Casino...SUCKS. But that's just my opinion. Haha

Love you!

Nee Nee

Day 4: VEGAS!!!!!

All Brock wanted to do was walk. And all Bri, Josh, and I wanted to do was sleep. We had been GOING AND GOING AND GOING!!!!


On Sunday we finally went with him and walked around all of the shopping places on the strip.

"What shopping places!?" You might ask?

Well...THE ONES WE WENT TO!! Haha there are two that we went to. We went to Fashion Show, and the Forum Shops. They look small from the road, but when you walk inside...BAMMMMMMMM! SO huge. It is so fun to look around at all of the rich people stores like Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana and Versace and Ted Baker. There are countless stores that I have never heard of before that Brock pointed out to me as English Brands. Sweetness!


It had roller coasters INSIDE the hotel!!! We didn't get to ride on any, unfortunately. But it's alright. We were pretty Roller coaster-ed out.

After walking around shopping we were HUNGRAAYYYYYYYY. So we went to Cheesecake Factory in the Forum Shops. Cool statue right?

We were arguing over what food to get. Like legit arguing. It was gay. ha.

And I was trying to pretend for the camera...

He wouldn't pretend and take a nice picture. Punk. Lol

But we left happy : ) Yay for Cheesecake Factory!!

Such a great way to end the weekend. Walking away in each others arms. I'm super sad I won't be seeing him for a long time.


Nee Nee

Day 2 & 3: SIX FLAGS!!!!

Season Pass holder around here anywhere??


Yeah we all got season passes. We can go whenever we have the time now! It was such a great deal! We even have a parking pass! Whoot whoot!

We went to the Manhattan Beach in L.A. But it was SOOOOOOO cold. It rained. >:( Poopie!!! So we went to Six Flags a day early.

When it was raining.

The first ride we went on is called X2. I HATED IT!!!! We went on it once, and Brock recorded it. But because there were no lines, he made me go on it a second time. I cried.

Then we went on Tatsu. And I loved it! But then it started raining really hard and it was soooooooooooooo cold and we were soaking! So we went to Bri's parent's hotel and got in the hot tub to get warmed up.

The next day we got up early so that we could beat the lines at Six Flags. We got there right after it had opened and there were already so many people there. But we never had to wait more than 20 minutes to go on a ride. It was SWEET! I loved all of it! I cant wait to go back : )

Hahahahahaha Brock's hair was so funny after GOLIATH!
It stuck straight up because of his gel.

I wish I could upload videos on here :'( Tear, Tear.

Nee Nee


I love it. I hated it when I was younger because I was always cold. Well I still have that problem, but I have learned to work through it because, SNOWBOARDING IS FUN!!

Josh, Bri, and I met Brock in Vegas on Thursday night and we stayed there for a few hours and we all took a the car. Did this suck? Kinda more than I would have liked.

After that, we drove to Big Bear! Its a Ski Resort in California. The runs aren't as long as Targhee, but there were way more places to go. When we got there at around 9 when it opened, it was such a nice day! The sun was shining and I was totally comfortable in my 2 layers of clothing. : )

This is what happened at about 4:00 that afternoon....

And I was freezing my butt off.

Brock learned how to snowboard correctly this time and he started to learn really fast! He's pretty good now!!

Josh and Bri taught us both a lot! So, thanks guys!!

Overall this Snow Trip was a success and we're both looking to save our money to buy our own boards so we can go more often. : )

Nee Nee

Monday, February 14, 2011

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Valentine's Day Sucks, But OH SHUCKS!!

I hate Valentine's Day.
Hate it.
But this year Brock has made it bearable. He is always surprising me and today he sent me a dozen roses. I love this kid. When I need to feel loved he is always there thinking of me. I can't wait to see him on Thursday!

Jarrett, Brock's little brother gave me this Valentine's card. He's so adorable!
Plus..I GOT A SUCKER!! Whoop Whoop!

Nee Nee ♥

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Are Brock and I arguing about a guy that doesn't matter? Yes we are. So I'm saying this for everyone to hear.


The end

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So guess who I met?

I met Brock's family today....On purpose this time. Haha.

I got a package from Brock today that had a pair of shoes that are too small for him but too big for me so he asked me to take them over to his mom....So I did. Hahaha. And she invited me to eat dinner with them....So I did. Haha! It was cool. Not as horrid as I thought it might be! I feel like I kinda fit that's good right?? I HOPE SO!!

Brock has three brothers and one sister. The order is Brock, Josh, Jake, Christiane (the sister!), and Jerrett...I'm not sure how to spell his name...His mom's name is Allyson and his dad's name is Jim.

In this picture, Brock had just gotten off the plane from London after his mission!

Josh, Christiane, Jerrett, Brock, Allyson, Jim, and Jake. :D


Miss Grumpy Checking In.

I'm super grumpy today. Why? I'm not sure. I just found out that another girl my age, Teasha Tolbert is engaged. Am I jealous? Just a little. I'm not in any rush to get married! That's not what I'm trying to say at all. I just get upset when girls who get everything they ever wanted...GET WHAT THEY WANT!!!

...Ok. Done complaining now.

ps...she's engaged to Rad Buxton. The cousin of Jed Sewell...who she just sent off on his mission. Weird? Just a little. But whatever.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Ok, so this last weekend was the best EVER!!!!!

Brock and I decided to go to Vegas a week early because he had a lot of homework to do this week and he would be really busy doing school stuff. So on Wednesday night around midnight that we were going to VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was such a blast! We met in Vegas at our hotel and spent the next 72 hours together. We had so much fun. And since it was Brock's first time in Vegas we went all out and stayed out till 5ish in the morning! We took sooooooo many pictures!

We went to Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum on Sunday before we came home. It was so cool!!! We took around 200 pictures there! So all in all we took about 300 pictures this weekend! Yay for us!

Mom wants to see the Bellagio Fountain Show so bad so we took a video : ) I'm not sure if it will work or not so if not...I'll figure out a way so you can watch it on facebook or something mom. ♥

There was this cool mime that was really still on the street by the Bellagio Fountain so I gave him a dollar so I could take a picture with him. And he came to life!!

He was so cool! I tried to take a picture of these other guys but they got mad at me because I didnt pay them money. Bahaha. I'm such a rebel. lol.

As you can see we definitely had a great time!!

Nee-Nee ♥