Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Miss Grumpy Checking In.

I'm super grumpy today. Why? I'm not sure. I just found out that another girl my age, Teasha Tolbert is engaged. Am I jealous? Just a little. I'm not in any rush to get married! That's not what I'm trying to say at all. I just get upset when girls who get everything they ever wanted...GET WHAT THEY WANT!!!

...Ok. Done complaining now.

ps...she's engaged to Rad Buxton. The cousin of Jed Sewell...who she just sent off on his mission. Weird? Just a little. But whatever.


1 comment:

  1. sometimes it looks like people get everything they want.

    sometimes other people's lives look perfect.

    but they arent. we all are trying so hard, but we all have so many problems that we cover up every day.

    the biggest mistake i ever made was making decisions for MY life, based on living up to what i THOUGHT everyone else's life LOOKED LIKE and comparing it to mine. wanting to meet everyone elses approval and life up to what i thought was their perception of my life.

    if i could make you hear anything i'll ever say to you, i hope you hear this:

    DO NOT BASE YOUR RELATIONSHIP DECISIONS ON OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS, APPROVAL OR PERCEPTIONS. what other people think about the size of the ring on your finger, or how cute your boyfriend may be, or what his profession is...doesnt mean a thing. NO ONE CARES ABOUT THOSE THINGS FOR MORE THAN 3 SECONDS. those things hold absolutely NO VALUE. NOW OR LATER.

    if you base your relationship decisions on how things 'appear' set yourself up and you take the first step towards a failing relationship.

    base your relationship decisions on your values. on your standards. base your relationship decisions on things that bring you joy. things that make you be a better person. things that bring you closer to God. THESE THINGS hold value.

    the way things 'appear' are so FALSE. and things like that just dont matter.

    God holds us to a higher standard, and God's approval is the ONLY approval we need, and the only one that matters.

    so, find comfort in that. base your decisions on that. then you'll be HAPPILY HAPPY.

    there is a God shaped hole in ALL of our souls. nothing will make us complete without God. nothing will make us happy. no relationship. no one's approval. NOTHING. let God fill that hole.

    love you girl. dont waste your time thinking about everyone else. your opinions of them dont matter anyway. and it only makes you feel bitter and angry and you lose the light inside you. focus on you. focus on your relationship with God and meet HIS standards. you wont get ANYWHERE meeting the approval and standards of people. its hopeless. and its hard. and there is no joy. only failure.

    God needs you. and he wants you to be in a relationship where your light will shine, all for his glory. :) and it will :)
