Blog Archive

Monday, May 23, 2011

FIFA 2011

The latest obsession here in Queen Creek, and at the Fultz house is an Xbox Game called FIFA 2011. It's a soccer game. Jerrett plays it EVERY. DAY. He is only 10 years old and can beat me, Brock, and Josh. He is freaking amazing. I get so so mad when I lose. Brock says he likes that I'm competitive...I don't think he really understands how mad I get when I lose, or when I don't do well at something. Like hitting for co-ed softball. I cry every time he tries to help me. It's really sad, and he doesn't want to help me because I get mad...But I'm not mad at him, I just am mad at myself because I know I can do better. I know I can do it. I have to remind myself that I can't be good at everything and I need to keep calm and move on. They are for fun. Not for beating myself up over.

ANYWHO! FIFA is super fun and we have tournaments a few times a week after Jerrett goes to bed. (If he stays up too late he has seizures from the lateness and also from the tv screen moving so fast. Epilepsy I think is a little part of it. Plus they don't get out of school till this Thursday.) Jerrett gets so sad when he loses. He practices so hard...he cries when he does badly or when he can't play with us and has to go to bed. Poor Youngin. Been there. Done that.

Dayton, Josh, Bri, Brock, and I all play. But this weekend Brock's mission buddies came down for a wedding so we had an even bigger tourney with Tim and Taylor.

We pretty much just lounge around until it's our turn to play. Then it gets intense.

We are always surprised at how well or how badly we do each time and kick ourselves when we lose. But always cheering on everyone else!

Jake was busy playing some other game on the computer the first night. He joined in tonight though and did pretty well!

Like I've said before it's nice being able to get to know my Sweetie a little better and only being 15 minutes away. 10 hours was NOT fun.

Nee Nee

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