Blog Archive

Saturday, May 7, 2011

TA-DA!!! MY HOUSE!!!!!

Ok. SO. To start off this post I'm going to show you Mardi's cat. He's in love with me. And my room. He won't leave me alone! I was taking pictures and he thought he could just rest on my leg. THINK AGAIN KITTY. THINK AGAIN. Ha.

Ok on to the house pictures : )

This is my front door!

This is what you see when you walk in.....

Le Kitchen!
This door goes out onto a patio type thing...And I'm pretty sure there's a storage room or something out there too.

My food palace...

I share a bathroom with Mardi. Jasmine has her own!

Mardi's room is right across the hall from mine

This is the hallway....I made a sign of our hallway...aren't I great!? hahaha jk.
But really...I'm cool. HAHA!


This is what my room looks like when you first walk in...

To the left, to the left....

So that's my house! It's super nice! I have a 24-hour fitness center, and also TWO pools. I live on the first floor! So that's good!? Sorry it has taken so so long for me to put these up, but I have just been so lazy and didn't know where to put anything ha. This will have to do. : )

Nee Nee

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