Blog Archive

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I Just Don't Know How

I am a worrier. I am constantly worried about something. It may not show on my face or in my actions but I always feel it. I honestly try to hide it so no one asks me about it. I don't like to talk about things I am worried about because I don't know why I'm worried, or I don't know how to resolve it.
I love two things. And I don't know what to do about it. It has gotten worse over the past month. And it is so hard. I am dying inside. The decision I have recently made was hard. And heartbreaking. And its not just me that its hurting.
I am told daily to pray about things i need help with...but right now I dont feel that it will help..almost like its to the point of no return. I'm not getting anything from Him lately. I don't know how or what to ask. Or how to worship him. I know that He could help...I just dont know how anything. I'm completely lost.
And I dont know how this song correlates to what I'm saying...all I know is that it makes me feel.....something.

1 comment:

  1. remember this, if nothing else:

    He will never abandon you.

    sometimes when we feel we're "not getting anything from Him" its because we aren't emptying ourselves enough to allow room for Him to come in.

    you've got a lot on your plate missy. lots of new things. lots of changes. a lot - A LOT.

    you feel worried. you feel burdened. you feel hopeless. you feel helpless. you feel overwhelmed....YOU SHOULD! its all part of growing up. its all part of life. its all part of the journey.

    it can only be what we make it. if we take too much on...the result is feeling worried and overwhelmed.

    LET GO of what you can't control.
    EMPTY YOURSELF of things that don't need to be taking up space in your heart mind and soul.

    MAKE ROOM for Him.

    step away from things. take time for YOU. it has to all start with you figuring out YOU. ridding yourself of things you cant change about YOU and about OTHERS. decide if you can deal or not deal with them and LET IT GO.

    until you make room, He cannot give you anything you need. because YOU are filling yourself with things you think you need.

    He will never abandon you.
    He's there. For you.


    i love you with my whole entire heart. more than you could ever imagine. and i want so much for you it hurts my heart sometimes.

    xo, nellierae.
