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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Lately there have been so many things going on in my head about who I am, what I want to do with my life, and how to do it. So I started by getting my crap together and doing what I KNOW I should be doing such as Praying, Reading the scriptures, Going to church, and attending FHE. Since Thanksgiving, I have been the happiest I have ever been. And I really do believe that it is because of my willingness to do these things. I haven't ever really been all that willing to be happy and I know that this is my fault.

So going along with all of this I have made spiritual goals to stay happy and to be a better Sydney. Which has been awesome because it is all new to me. Like I have been born again!! By getting my Patriarchal blessing on Sunday, I learned of things that I had been pondering for a VEEEEEERY long time. And I know that if I am like Nephi and do the things which the Lord has commanded me, I will never falter. I always have him with me. I just need to have faith.

My sister Nellie usually picks a word every year that she tries to live up to that year to better herself, and I LOVE that idea. I love it SO much that I picked two. Only because they go hand in hand. My words for 2011, and also for the rest of my life are:

The two "F"'s. And these are GOOD "F" words!

I first heard of "Foundation" while I was in park city over Halloween. I went to a stake conference there and a man gave a talk where he mentioned "FOUNDATION" and what it meant. I really took that into account because it is seriously what EVERYONE needs in their lives. Including me! Foundation is what we are built upon. What our faith is truly all about. And the great thing about foundation is that I have been taught all about it since I was a sunbeam, they just never said, "Sydney, you need to have a foundation!" They said, "Sydney, 1. FAITH! 2. Daily Prayer (Personal and Family) morning and night! 3. Read the scriptures! 4. Love one another! 5. Attend Church! 6. Service 7. Young Womens/FHE/Mutual and last but NOT least... 8. BE LIKE UNTO CHRIST!"

Foundation really is like the foundation of a house. If the foundation isn't built correctly, or it gets ruined...the outcome is repair. And LOTS OF IT!!

These things are soooo simple! And we have learned them all since we were small! And although we were taught these things at such a young age, it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard to do them sometimes. Like when we are "too tired" or "bored" or "I don't understand". I feel that its at these times that we need to do them the most. Because we are "too tired" we NEED to stay up and get that reading done, and pray! When we are "bored" we NEED to attend classes and MAKE it fun. I know that with me, if I have a bad attitude about something I just pull, and drag my feet the entire time and I am completely miserable. I miss out on the things that are REALLY important and things that I need to learn to be better.

By doing these things since Thanksgiving I really have been exceptionally happy and willing to do more. I have also been working to be worthy to go to the temple and do baptisms for the dead and also to get married. And I AM now! I can do BOTH of those things and it is like a ton of weight has been lifted off my shoulders...and I KNOW that I can be happy if I always follow and use my FOUNDATION to hold me up. And all that I have ever wanted. Ever.

Zuey Momma...
Nee Nee ♥

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that you are happy:-) That is all parents ever want for their children...and to have food and shelter:-)
    Please remember that there will also be trials and struggles, but if we always remember that "foundation" with our Heavenly Father and our brother and Savior Jesus Christ...Satan will have to "leave us be", and eventually peace will follow...then another trial...and peace...then another (repeat, repeat:-)) and then...eventually true and eternal happiness:-) Love you, MOM
