Blog Archive

Monday, March 21, 2011

Just some of my favorite things lately

I love my converse shoes. Especially because they're dirty and worn down!

The new flavor of Starbursts! SOOOOO Good! Go Fiesta!

PB&J Helllllllllz yeah!

Jessica Roussell...I ♥ you!

Cookie Dough. Its my snack. Every day! MMMMMMM!

Dr. Pepper....You always make me feel better. even on my worst days. Thanks for always being there...

QT!! Where I get my Dr. Pepper! : )

My new shower head! Skyler installed it this week. And it's so great! Just like a waterfall : )

Last but not least...My family. Even though I don't get to see you every day like I used to it's nice to get random texts that say "Hey sister sue, thinking about you today! Love you!" I love you all so much and I miss you tons.

Nee Nee

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