Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This is how WE do...

Sorry that some of the videos are sideways!! I didn't realize that I would be making a video and that I would need them the other way!!
And I'm also sorry about the music not being cut very computer had a mental breakdown in the middle of this and I can't hear out of my speakers. Upset? Yes. Yes I am.

Nee Nee

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Oh. My. Heck.

This is freaking hilarious. I love it, and I thought I should share it with all of you! You are SO welcome : )

Monday, May 23, 2011

Just keep Swimming

It's getting hot here in Sunny Arizona. It hasn't hit 100 yet, but our luck is running out. This Friday is supposed to be our first break of 104. So far it has been pretty perfect weather for swimming and tanning. But not for long.

Josh lives with his best friend's family. The Larsons. They are so nice and they let us use their basement for football, poker, and movies. They even have this HUGE pool with a slide, waterfalls, diving board, and a hot tub (not really needed if you ask me!) Since the boys came to visit from Utah we decided to go get them some sun before they went back to colder country.

Brock was loving it! King of the Rock!

They all decided to teach Brock and Tim how to to a back flip off of the lower rock. It took a while for both of them to get their guts built up (don't blame 'em!) and then we took videos. All four of them did it at once. It was pretty sweet. Scary...but sweet.

Taylor was just watching while they tried to get their courage up to flip.

They were all talking about how to do the back flip correctly before Tim tried again. Then they got the idea for all of them to do it at once.

It was good to hang out with Brock's friends and get some relaxing sun time. I wish I had more girlfriends though so he could have his man-dates and not worry about me being bored (which happens 90% of the time...I can't help it! I don't like just sitting around sometimes!)

It was a good week! Now back to work and back into reality. Josh is going to get his wisdom teeth out this week and then he can send in his mission papers. I had a dream that he is going to Russia...SO! Let's see if my prediction is correct! That would be pretty sweet thats for sure.

Nee Nee

FIFA 2011

The latest obsession here in Queen Creek, and at the Fultz house is an Xbox Game called FIFA 2011. It's a soccer game. Jerrett plays it EVERY. DAY. He is only 10 years old and can beat me, Brock, and Josh. He is freaking amazing. I get so so mad when I lose. Brock says he likes that I'm competitive...I don't think he really understands how mad I get when I lose, or when I don't do well at something. Like hitting for co-ed softball. I cry every time he tries to help me. It's really sad, and he doesn't want to help me because I get mad...But I'm not mad at him, I just am mad at myself because I know I can do better. I know I can do it. I have to remind myself that I can't be good at everything and I need to keep calm and move on. They are for fun. Not for beating myself up over.

ANYWHO! FIFA is super fun and we have tournaments a few times a week after Jerrett goes to bed. (If he stays up too late he has seizures from the lateness and also from the tv screen moving so fast. Epilepsy I think is a little part of it. Plus they don't get out of school till this Thursday.) Jerrett gets so sad when he loses. He practices so hard...he cries when he does badly or when he can't play with us and has to go to bed. Poor Youngin. Been there. Done that.

Dayton, Josh, Bri, Brock, and I all play. But this weekend Brock's mission buddies came down for a wedding so we had an even bigger tourney with Tim and Taylor.

We pretty much just lounge around until it's our turn to play. Then it gets intense.

We are always surprised at how well or how badly we do each time and kick ourselves when we lose. But always cheering on everyone else!

Jake was busy playing some other game on the computer the first night. He joined in tonight though and did pretty well!

Like I've said before it's nice being able to get to know my Sweetie a little better and only being 15 minutes away. 10 hours was NOT fun.

Nee Nee

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Game Time!

I don't have much to say lately, and I'm sorry for that. I just don't have anything that intersesting to say. So I apologize for that. But moving on...Brock, Josh, Bri and I all went bowling the other night. It was super fun. Especially with the group! They are all so good. Brock is funny to watch though.

He holds this pose for a while after he lets the ball go haha!

Overall it was a fun night!
Nee Nee

Did you see this!

Ok first of all...The thing I don't like about Arizona is TRAFFIC. So, do you SEE all of these cars? Yeah.
See this face?

I got a little board. So shoot me!?

Now, do you see this!? Yeah. Brock wanted to be able to hear his game. Didn't we always get told "DON'T SIT THAT CLOSE TO THE SCREEN! YOU'LL GO CROSS-EYED!!"?

Nee Nee

Ready for this?

So my bathroom is gross. My roommates are hardly home, and so I don't think that they like to clean. AND the cats like to sleep in the bathtub (GAG). I finally decided that the poop stains and hair had to go.

Can you believe..all of that lotion and make up is not even mine? The only things I have in this bathroom are my irons and my brush. ????


YESSSS! Completion.

Nee Nee

Sunday, May 15, 2011


So I have been writing in my journal every once in a while when I feel like I can control my emotions enough to get them onto paper. Except this journal is different. It's for Brock. I write in my "Journal" as much as I can, but instead of saying "Dear Journal", I say "DEAR BROCK". We were talking a few months ago about how I felt during all of my hard times in life. What I was thinking, how I felt, what exactly happened? He told me that he wants to read my journal someday if I would let him, and if I would be okay with it. So I decided to write a journal for him exclusively. He gets to know exactly how I feel about what is going on in my life, even if I can't tell him to his face (which is more often than not).
He doesn't know about it yet, because I haven't figured out when I want to give it to him..I don't have many entries because I had a bad experience the last time I wrote..and it discouraged me from writing more...I am ashamed of how out of control my emotions were...I was mad and I wrote it down, feeling that he should know what is going on in my head when on the outside I have a smile on my face, and a laugh in my gut...
Anyways...I just thought I would write about it and see what ya'll think. Whether I should even give this so-called "Journal" to him or not..

Nee Nee

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day Surprise

So...Brock decided that he was going to be a punk and create a plan to frustrate his mom...for the day AFTER mother's day.

At first he was just going to keep all of these drawers open in the kitchen so that you can't walk through, but then he decided to switch things around in the drawers and cabinets....Jerrett was in.

This is my PROOF picture...that I was not involved. I JUST DID THE DISHES!!! They were the ones that put them in weird spots!

We were just sitting down for Mother's Day dinner and Allison wanted to have a bowl for her fruit...she opened the cabinet and said "Brock.....Where are the bowls?" She knew INSTANTLY that it was him hahahaha. He had to put everything back in the right spot. But he waited until Monday night so that she could "have one day of frustration of not knowing where things are." Little poop.

Jerrett couldn't keep a straight face. He told his dad and Christiane before they even came downstairs to finish fixing dinner.

Nee Nee


We washed my car the other day. It looks fantastic! We had to wash the truck we used to tow Brock's car home with, and so we decided to do mine as well...She was dirty!

This is Brock's family's house : )


Sittin On Tha Toilet

ok you really need to go to youtube to see this one...and read the description. It makes it sooooo much funnier. just do it haha.

oh my days this woman...hahahahhaha

This Girl's WORST nightmare

Saturday, May 7, 2011

TA-DA!!! MY HOUSE!!!!!

Ok. SO. To start off this post I'm going to show you Mardi's cat. He's in love with me. And my room. He won't leave me alone! I was taking pictures and he thought he could just rest on my leg. THINK AGAIN KITTY. THINK AGAIN. Ha.

Ok on to the house pictures : )

This is my front door!

This is what you see when you walk in.....

Le Kitchen!
This door goes out onto a patio type thing...And I'm pretty sure there's a storage room or something out there too.

My food palace...

I share a bathroom with Mardi. Jasmine has her own!

Mardi's room is right across the hall from mine

This is the hallway....I made a sign of our hallway...aren't I great!? hahaha jk.
But really...I'm cool. HAHA!


This is what my room looks like when you first walk in...

To the left, to the left....

So that's my house! It's super nice! I have a 24-hour fitness center, and also TWO pools. I live on the first floor! So that's good!? Sorry it has taken so so long for me to put these up, but I have just been so lazy and didn't know where to put anything ha. This will have to do. : )

Nee Nee