Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Tiffy and I had a good talk while she was here and I'm so glad we did. It was nice to have my best friend back for a few days. We went to the mall after I picked her up from the airport and we went into Claire's and found BFF rings, and bracelets and necklaces. And let me tell you what! Those are freaking adorable! We decided to get rings, since that is what we would wear the most.

To me, this ring isn't just something to show off how cool we really are (hahaha). It means more than that. It's trust, it's love. Never-Ending friendship. So I would like to take an official BLOG OATH.

Tiffani Jo:

I promise to always tell you the truth, and be there for you through thick and thin. I promise to be your Maid of Honor for your wedding, and save that post for you in my wedding as well. I promise to be your best friend and best cousin forever and ever. I promise that no "double-zero long" will come between us ever. Boy or girl. Dog or Cat. Zebra or Parakeet. We will be the best cousins that anyone ever had. I promise to always be myself. I promise to cry with you. I promise to laugh with you...and at you. Good or bad, tall or small, we will overcome ANY obstacle. Together. I promise to wear this ring always to remind me of you and how FREAKING cool you are. I love you from the bottom of my heart. You are my very best friend. Forever.

Sydney Lyn Smith
Wednesday March 9, 2011


  1. Sydney Lyn, you are amazing! I love your blog oath!! it brought tears to my eyes. I agree and second everything you said!!!
    Best cousins FOREVVAA!

  2. You made me cry too! I love you both:-)
    Love, MOM
