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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

St. Valentine Who?

I have been online a bit lately reading all about Valentine's Day and how everyone hates it so much. And I USED to be one of them! Even this year was an expression of "Pssssh. Valentine's Day is so dumb." And then I started thinking.

Syd. There is NO good reason as to why you should hate Valentine's Day. Whether or not you get flowers or an engagement ring, or a fancy night out on the town with your special someone should not even matter! Spending time with someone you love should be enough! Boyfriend, girlfriends, parents, cousins, ANYONE!

Valentine's Day should be for the single and the taken! A day to celebrate LOVE and the ability to love whomever we please! Lets rent a tv show and watch it ALL DAY LONG, eat peanut m&ms and airheads, pass "words with friends" back and forth between us and LAUGH about nothing. Talk for hours! Seeing your smiling face and blue, blue eyes is enough. That's enough for me.

I love you. All of you. And I hope that your Valentine's Day was special and that you spent it with someone special! Even if that someone is JUST YOU. Be proud you got to spend the day with yourself! Loving yourself, feeding yourself yummy yummy treats and buying a good movie to watch with JUST YOU. Go YOU. : )

Nee Nee

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