Blog Archive

Sunday, January 30, 2011


So I bought this saweeeeeet skirt for church the other day : ) and I absolutely love it! Check, Check, Check it out!

Also I am trying a new style...?

Working out this week was NOT something I was excited about...

But I looked cute for church so today was a good day : )

Nee Nee

The Funniest State Farm Commercial (2010 HD)


Friday, January 28, 2011

Food CAN be poison! Its true! OH NOOOOOOOO!!!!

What a way to spend a Friday. BOO!!!!!!! Stupid food poisoning!

Plus! I watched her get her I.V. TWICE and I only got a little bit sick. Maybe I should be a nurse? Who knows?

Nee Nee ♥


Fattest baby ever? Yes. He's like 60 pounds and only 10 months old. Poor chinese kid. hahaha

ADVENTURES! ...Week 1!

Me and Jess have the BEST adventures some days! We went to PetCo yesterday cuz we wanted to get goldfish! But as soon as she saw the snakes it creeped her out so we didnt get them :( ....Maybe I'll surprise her with some!...SHHH!!!!!

This poor little fishy...He was stuck in the rocks and we are pretty sure he was dead...

We went to GoodWill today to try and find a dresser for me...and Jess did NOT feel good so I was bored in the bathroom and thought..public restroom picture? I'm doin it!

We will ALWAYS remember this particular GoodWill restroom! (Wink, Wink)

We went to a place called "Crackers" for lunch with Jessica's Aunt Kristi, and her older sister Natalie...Kristi drives a Cho-Mo van...Natalie couldn't escape the wrath of the van....YIKES!

Also...Who cuts their hair like this? Gag.

Its been a great first week!!! Miss you all SOOOO much!

Zuey Momma!
Nee Nee ♥

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wanna Be On The INSIDE????

I have finally unpacked completely!

I really dont have that much stuff! I'm so proud of myself that I only brought necessary items :) wanna take a peek at where I live?

Well then...COME ON IN!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Arizona Casa!

This is my home!!!!


Arizona is now housing Sydney Lyn Smith! Yay!!!!

Bad news? Yep. I'm sick. And I'm quite upset about it. I spend all night breathing with my mouth open. And when I woke mouth was sooooo dry and my lips had that yucky white film around them. YUCK!!

But other than that, I am now in Arizona and I'm excited to be here! Last night after we got here, we went to eat with Natalie and Kevin at Barro's. YUSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I love Barro's! And then we went to Bahama Bucks! Which is this amazing shaved ice place! You can put vanilla ice cream in the bottom oof the shaved ice and it sounds weird but it is delicious! They have soooo many flavors its rediculously hard to choose!

Anyway...I'm almost all moved in. Kinda hard being here and being sick and not having my mom here to tell me what to do. Haha. Hopefully this stupid cold goes away soon! I need to go to an interview this week!!

Zuey Momma!
Nee Nee

Friday, January 21, 2011

Carrie Underwood - Cowboy Casanova

Can someone please make me pretty like Miss Carrie Underwood? I sure would appreciate it!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011, Nicki Minaj - Check It Out

Niki Minaj I think I like you...

This sukkkkkkkkks.

This was about 3 1/2 hours ago. Is my room exactly like this still? Why yes. Yessssss it is. After watching a movie and pigging out, here comes more packing. GAH!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Purses, and Bags, and Arizona. OH MY!!

For Christmas, the only thing I asked for was a computer case so that my computer can stay nice and doesn't get totally ruined. So my mom thought it would be fun to make one. And we just got it done! She made the computer case itself except for the stitching of my name on it, and I made the cute bag to put the case in! She helped so much though! I'm thankful she knows how to sew! It was way cheaper and a fun bonding moment before I leave for Arizona this weekend.

Reminding of this weekend...ARIZONA HERE I COME!!!! ....and Sydney still hasn't packed. Boo. But now that the bag for my computer is done, that is where all my focus is going the next couple of days. Oh. And my oil change. That is WAY overdue.

Zuey Momma!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Well guys, I am now NOT a "teen" Hooray! It was the best birthday weekend ever! Brock came to surprise me on Thursday night. He showed up at my house around midnight while I was sleeping and surprised me with flowers and a huge grin on his face. Plus we got to spend 4 days together since he didn't have school today :)My mom and dad knew the entire time! They are all so sneaky!!

We went swimming in Jackson Hole on Saturday with the family which was so fun! That was his first time to Jackson so of course we took pictures on the pass and also by the elk antlers in the square. They were so pretty and lit up! Good timing on our part!

I'm suuuuuuuuper sad that he's gone. But good thing I will be able to see him on the way to AZ this next weekend! Now THAT goodbye is gonna be tough. poop.



I had a sweeeeeeet photo shoot this weekend after church with Brock. We wanted to just take a picture in our Sunday Best, but it turned into much, much, much more than that :)

All we can say is...Our engagement pictures are gonna be so legit. hahahahaha