Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Brock's HOME!!!

Brock is home, and I have seen him EVERY DAY since we got back. It's so weird...but so normal at the same time. It's like he never even left for school and we have been together every day since we met! I am loving it!....And so is his family!

Jerrett especially ; ) he has an older brother that will play with him now!

Or torture....either way...hahaha

Brock and I went to play Co-Ed softball last night at the COOLEST park ever! It has so many fields all in this one area. All of the fields are based on famous fields around the states! They look so professional haha! You pay 3 dollars to get in, whether you are playing or just watching. It's how they pay for the fields. Plus they have a restaurant/bar in the center of all of the fields that over look the fields so you can watch the games inside! It was so so fun!

I played 3rd and Brock played short stop, so we got to play right next to each other which was also fun! I got on base all 4 times that I was up to bat!! I hit all 4 times! GO ME!

This picture is fuzzy, but I still like it. First softball game of many to come : )

Nee Nee

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