Blog Archive

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Kinda Late Posting For This...Oops.

Last week Jess and I painted her pantry. It was a "Spur-The-Moment" decision so it was even more fun than when you plan it. We realized she had a LOT more food then she thought.

A lot of food fit in this tiny pantry!!

It turned out so so cute! She added black stripes on the outside of the white stripes to give it a little more dimension the next day when I was on my way to Utah to pick up Brock. It looks ammmmmmazing!

It's going to be sad to move out tomorrow...I'll miss seeing this lady everyday. I will only get to see her every so often at work. Sad sad sad.

Nee Nee

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

WOW What A Week...

This week started out with me going to check out an apartment in Gilbert. And thank goodness I liked it! So I am going to be moving out of Jess and Sky's house this week sometime, which will be good so they can be married haha.

Then on Tuesday I flew to Utah to see Brock and bring him home to Arizona. The plan WAS to drive his car back around Thursday and then go golfing with his parents on Saturday and move me into my apartment that weekend as well....and as you can tell...the word "WAS" explains that our plans didn't go exactly as we had hoped.

While on the airplane I flew over the GRAND CANYON!!! I have never seen it before, so to see it up above for the first time was such a good way to do it! It makes you realize just how big it really's HUGE. so big. I was amazed. I was like a fat kid eating cake. In Love.

I was so excited that they had Dr. Pepper on the airplane!! And they serve pretzels! Mini ones!! I almost asked for another was my breakfast : )

Summer and her kids got to pick me up at the airport and spend the day with me!! It was so good to see them all. It will be a long time before I see them again. We went to lunch at Jimmy John's with Brittany which was so so fun! I love that place..I need to find one in AZ so I can eat it again. Addy asked me if the next time I see them will be when Brock and I are getting married. Haha! I said probably. She seemed surprised...hahaha.

Since we were planning on driving back home, we had to try and fix Brock's car. Note: TRY.

Every. Day.

And it still ended up not working. Boo on that stupid car! But we got to walk around campus and hang out with his friends one last time before we left so that was good. Since we had to stay longer than expected, we went grocery shopping so that we wouldn't die of starvation. We got sandwich stuff, chips, and Peach O's. And I am the best sandwich maker ever. Two for Brock, one for me.

Since we had a lot of down time, we played Halo 2, and watched movies the whole time. Brock had to beg me to play Halo, but we actually ended up playing for about 5 or 6 hours. And I still suck. BUT! I can actually move around without running into walls and trying to get out of a corner for 20 minutes. hahaha.

Overall we had a great week! And now we are back in Arizona for good! Back to work and back to life. Except it is better now. I get to see him every day. EVERY DAY!!!!!!!! And I get free food at his parents house : )

I guess we will see what happens in the next couple of months!

Nee Nee

Friday, April 15, 2011

Riddle me this...

Why do ALL old Mexican women wear these shoes? Usually with tight black leggings as seen here? Or with pants that DO NOT match the shoe's style? Also seen here..

It's funny that they turn around, look at you, and start talking Spanish while they glance back at you, and that I take pictures of their ugly sense of style while they talk about me. Ha. Especially the skin tight boob shirts with the colored bras underneath (But not really "underneath", because you can see the bra. Quite well actually). Gag me.


Dear Mexican Grandmothers:

Cover up like a grandma should, and stop wearing these ugly hooker shoes.
Also, quit talking about me in Spanish because one of these days...I am going to learn your language...and talk back to you in it.

Please and Thank You,

The White Chicana Standing In Line Behind You.
Every. Day.

It's Finally Friday!

Thank GOOOOOODNESS today is Friday. It has been such a long and exhausting week. Today is also pay day, so that's good! Also, I only have to wait 4 more days to see Brock, and bring him back to Arizona for good. WHEW! It has been a crazy 4 months! Hard, but worth it. Now I get to see him MORE than I will want to I'm sure : )

No such luck on the apartment finding. It's still in the process of killing me that's for sure.

Nee Nee

Tell me...Does This Make You Sick?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Harry Woods...

At work today I was helping an elderly woman in a wheel chair find pillowcases. After we had finished, I was pushing her towards the front to find her husband. We were chatting when she spotted him.

"Harry!" She said as loud as she could.

He walked a little bit farther to our left out of our view and he poked his head around the center pillar checking to make sure that he had actually heard his name. When he saw that he HAD heard his name he came out from behind the pillar walking towards us as he looked only at his wife. With a smile on his old face...

It made me think. Will I have a husband that will smile when he sees me? Even when I can't walk without a walker/cane/wheelchair? Even when my hair is grey and my skin is wrinkled and droopy? When my teeth aren't real and I can pop them out to scare my grandchildren? Will he smile and tell me I look beautiful, even when I am on my death bed? Will he kiss my tender hands when he knows how bad they ache?

...Just thinking I guess.

Nee Nee

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Looking for apartments is taking over my life right now. It SUCKS. I found a couple in Queen Creek that I was really excited about. I talked to my mom about them and I felt really confident about them....Then I talked to Brock. He asked me how much, and when I said about $700, he told me that it was a lot. And I know that. But there aren't many CLEAN, and SAFE apartments around that are inexpensive. I know that I don't have a lot of money, but I don't have any other choice. I have to move out in a month.

I now feel like crap about the apartments that I found and don't know what to do. Again. Also, finding a roommate is JUST as hard as finding an apartment. Because I don't know a lot of people, and because the people that I have asked about being my roommate haven't even text or called me back, I can't make any decisions at this point. There is NO easy way out of this. Except to go back to Idaho/Utah. And I don't want to do that. At all. First of all, because I hate it there, and second, because Brock will be JUST getting back to Arizona. I'm in a tough one and I just can't seem to figure it out.

Help me someone. HELP.

Nee Nee

Hallelujah Cover

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bacon, Bacon, Who's Got the Bacon??

A lampshade? Really?

Oh look, Kevin Bacon...Made out of bacon...

Want some tea that tastes fairly like bacon?

Welcome to my bacon abode...

Freaking ridiculous is right!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Things I love... legit.

How freaking cool is this? Can I have one in my house??
Is it possible to build in a house? lol


Yes please!

Cute AND Functional!

Who Knew???

6 Life-Changing Uses for Binder Clips (That You Couldve Easily Thought Of)... - StumbleUpon

Monday, April 4, 2011

This Past Weekend....

Brock and I met in Vegas this past weekend again. It was so nice to see him after a month of long distance nonsense. He is coming home in two weeks for good! So this was our last meeting in Vegas till I fly to Salt Lake to drive home with him. I am so so excited for him to be in Arizona. He will be so close to me! It will be nice to have a relationship where we don't have to talk on the phone or Skype in order to keep in touch. SO NICE.

Brock surprised me again and bought me new shoes. : ) Except this time, he made sure that we matched each other!!! YAY!!!!!!!! He is so sweet and always gets the best deals!

His whiskers scratch my face, so he shaved : )

We stayed in our hotel the entire weekend. Our hotel was retarded and didn't have a we just watched baseball and basketball. We had some pretty sweet snacks as well. Chips and ranch dip, fruit, cereal, toast, PB&J...can't get any better than that!!

We had to use spoons to eat it haha!!

Overall this weekend was a nice way to be together with no worries. Knowing that I will see him in two weeks made the goodbye a lot easier than our last goodbye. He will be so busy with studying for finals that it will give me a lot of focus to go to work, find a new apartment, and find a second job.

I am super stressed about finding a new apartment. I am wanting to move out this month so that I am not bothering Jess and Skyler anymore. They have been super nice to let me stay here for as long as I have and I will have to find a way to repay them. But it also makes me stress on finding an apartment really soon. I don't know the first thing about finding an apartment. Brock would know, but he isn't here. So its up to me to get it done I guess. Ugh. Stress Stress Stress.

Other than that everything here is going great. Just working. I am excited to come home in May (maybe) and being able to see mom and dad.

Nee Nee